Reduced Paid Balance

Reduced Paid Balances is our latest and most advanced payment method that will save a lot to our users. Instead of paying per single subtitle file and pay about ( 0.33 USD to 0.43 USD ) additional costs as a transaction fees per each subtitle file, you pay an amount of money one time, this amount will be saved in your account "the net amount". Each time you translate any subtitle file, we deduct only the translation costs from your balance which will save you a lot "saving will be about ( 0.33 USD to 0.43 USD ) per each subtitle file".
Login is required.
  • If you've an account, Login First.
  • New user, follow these steps to be able to use the reduced paid translation:
1. From the menu Membership Account Select Membership Levels then Select Reduced Paid Balance This will create account for you.

2. After you create an account, you need to add a balance, you can find the balance link in the account creation confirmation page.
Add Balance, From the menu Membership Account Select Reduced Paid Balance then Select the package that suits you, after the payment process complete, you can translate with reduced costs.

We have three Reduced Paid Plans, higher plans save you more.

Reduced Paid Plans

  • Reduced Paid Bronze

Add a 10.77 USD to your Balance, Your Balance will be increased by about 10 USD after deducting the transaction fees.

You must Login first to be able to add balance.

  • Reduced Paid Silver

Add a 21.23 USD to your Balance, Your Balance will be increased by about 20 USD after deducting the transaction fees.

You must Login first to be able to add balance.

  • Reduced Paid Gold

Add a 42.15 USD to your Balance, Your Balance will be increased by about 40 USD after deducting the transaction fees.

You must Login first to be able to add balance.

Enjoy using our reduced paid plans, you'll see the huge amount of money you'll save.